Welcome, new coaches, to the TEAMF4M Independent Study New Coach Training! I am so excited that you are here because it means that you've taken the first steps toward living your dream life and living a life by design! I am so passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and that is what this training is about. Watch this welcome video to give you an idea of what this training is for, what you can expect to learn, and what I expect from you!

Monday, September 21, 2015


CONGRATULATIONS on completing your New Coach Training! 
You should be super proud of yourself! If you committed to this training and completed all the lessons and homework, you should have a really great foundation to your new coaching business. Remember, you are your own boss now so your success or failure rests on your own shoulders. I am here as your mentor to help and guide you, and you have a huge team to support you but at the end of the day, YOU are the one that has to put in the time and effort to make your dreams come true! I am so very excited for you!

Test what you've learned in the last two weeks by taking this quick FINAL EXAM. Get out a piece of paper and a pen (or a blank note on your computer) and see how much you know!

QUESTION 1: What are the web addresses to your Beachbody coach site and your Shakeology site?

QUESTION 2: How much personal development should you be doing each day?

QUESTION 3: What are the 3 Vital Behaviors?

QUESTION 4: What does it mean to have a "Shatterproof Why"?

QUESTION 5: True or False: I should be drinking Shakeology and doing my workouts regularly

QUESTION 6: How many points do I need each month to qualify for Success Club?

QUESTION 7: How do I get those points?

QUESTION 8: True or False: I don't need to include personal images or opinions in my posts on social media about Beachbody

QUESTION 9: What do you need to get promoted to "Emerald"?

QUESTION 10: What are the benefits for a customer to buy a Challenge Pack instead of buying the program and Shakeology separately?

EXTRA CREDIT: How long should you expect to commit to coaching to really see it take off?

Thank you all for joining and completing this training! Your next steps are… 
1. Start finding your own first customers/challengers by using the tools you learned here. Invite friends to join you in this journey by connecting to them on a personal level and then sharing your own experience with Beachbody so far. 
2. Run your own challenge or bring your first challengers into an apprentice challenge group with me.
3. If/when you have promoted to Emerald you can join the next level training which is a little slower paced and goes much more in depth called Emerald To Diamond Training. It will teach you how to take your business to the next level where you are making a more substantial income and starting to build a team!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here, giving it your all, and joining our team. I want you to remember that I am here to support you no matter what your goal might be. If you want to walk, I’ll walk beside you. If you want to jog, I’ll jog next to you. If you want to run to the top, I’ll run right with you!



Today is our last lesson! Thank you all for the time and effort you’ve put in! Today as a grand finale we’re going to end with some inspiration and big dreaming! Got any “Negative Nellies” in your life? I know how one comment can really bring you down. But don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve your dreams!

I want you to watch this amazing clip from The Pursuit of Happiness...
Now I want you to get out a piece of paper and write down the names of the 3 people in your life who are your BIGGEST SUPPORTERS. This is your “Dream Team” who you know will support you in this new coaching adventure! And if you feel like you don't have anyone, you can start with my name! Because I'm your biggest fan and my passion is to support you in this amazing journey! XOXO

Email your list to me at marshasmrcka@yahoo.com with "LESSON 15" in the subject line.

You have 1 last assignment to do. Consider it your final exam. Make sure not to skip it! :) 


By now you should have all been through at least part of a challenge group with 
me and you should have some progress to share. Whether that be a before and 
after photo or sharing about how much better you feel or your energy. Whatever 
it is! Sharing your own progress is one of the ABSOLUTE BEST ways to get 
people to connect to you and want to join in!

Uncomfortable talking about yourself? Too bad! You’re a coach now which 
means that people are looking to you for motivation and inspiration.

You are changing both physically and emotionally.

Your story is evolving and it is different from when you started.

Sharing your story will help people connect emotionally with you and it builds 
trust. Plus, they might think about someone they know who has a similar 
situation as you that they could help, thus creating a great referral.

What is your transformation story? 
Take some time to think about it. It can be a work-in-progress story or a 
transformation. It can be a physical change, an emotional change, a mental 
shift. Think back to when you first started, remember those feelings, the 
headspace you were in. What prompted you to make a change? 

Now think about where you are now... what is different? Are you 10 pounds 
lighter? Do you have more muscle definition? Is your skin clearer and more 
radiant? Are your hair and nails longer and stronger? Is your depression going 
away? Is your anxiety less? Is your self confidence higher? Do you feel more 
hopeful and excited about life now? Have you found your motivation and joy? 
Have you finally found something that works for you in your busy life? 
WHATEVER IT IS... figure out a way to communicate it. Someone out there 
NEEDS to hear and see it so that they can know that change is possible for 
them too. Is it scary being transparent and vulnerable? A little. But the world 
needs you to do it. Think of who you can help, the positive change you can 
cultivate in others' lives.

HOMEWORK: Today’s assignment is to create a post with personal photos 
about your own journey and transformation this far. Don’t be shy! Post it in 
our Team Fit4mation and tag me in your post so I can see and give you
feedback before you post it online and so that your teammates can 
congratulate and encourage you! After getting some feedback you’re going 
to be posting this on your social media of choice and combining it with an 
invitation to join you for your next challenge group! Be brave!


I know as a new coach the term INVITE, INVITE, INVITE can be extremely intimidating and feel OVERWHELMING!!! And even as a not new coach anymore it seems intimidating to me. I’m an introvert and I’m not a saleswomen so the idea of inviting strangers to work out gives me anxiety!

My team’s culture is not about being the annoying friend who is always pitching something. It’s about adding value! It’s about sharing with integrity. We are not saleswomen. We are role models and leaders and we are helping people get pointed in the right direction.  

Today's assignment is SIMPLE!

HOMEWORK: Watch the 5 minute video below and then make it your goal to make THREE DEPOSITS in the lives of individuals you are currently connected to (either via the internet, through text, a phone call or in person) Hopefully it will fill you up as much as it does me and you can turn it into a DAILY habit because you enjoy adding value to other people's lives! REMEMBER - This assignment is NOT about BEACHBODY --- this is about reconnecting, blessing others by making them feel important and noticed, and building a bond!
Email me your list of names who you connected with at marshasmrcka@yahoo.com with "LESSON 13" in the subject line.


We are going to talk today about CONSISTENCY. This is something that is super PIVOTAL and I'm smacking myself for not talking about it sooner. It is something I learned through personal development. Something that is soooo clutch as a coach.

Personal development means that you spend time each day working on you. There are lots of amazing books out there but I'd like to recommend The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson as a first one! The principles in it are so incredible you are going to feel like you just were let in on the meaning of life. Not only that, the principles you will learn will help you in ALL areas of life, not just coaching. If you can't afford it let me know and I'll try to track down a copy for you. I think it's THAT important that you read it.

Okay... now consistency... 

Let's talk about human nature. We are so numbed by the media that it takes a lot to catch our attention now-a-days. Add "weight loss" to that and we are even more skeptical. Think about all the fads and ads you've heard over time. Think about all the money you've spent and things you've tried that didn't really work. We are all skeptics and we don't just believe people right away anymore. But what makes us come around? Think about it.... consistency.

I know this is true for some of you who were watching me! It took you a while of me posting before you finally took the plunge. It's human nature! So now think about that for yourself and your own networks.

You need to be consistently doing the things each day that improve yourself: workout, shakeO, healthy eating, personal development.

And sharing those things consistently with your friends, family, and via social media OVER TIME will bring people around.

People are watching you, even if you don't know it. Your future top coaches and best challengers are out there watching you to see if this Beachbody thing really works or if it's just a fad. Most diamond coaches and above will tell you that you need to COMMIT to actively doing this for a year to see success. That's the time it takes. 6 months before you feel like you've really got the ball rolling. From the beginning that may seem daunting. But it goes soooo quick! I just looked at the calendar and realized I passed my 2 year coach-iversary and didn't realize it! Ha!

Here's a message from a 2-star diamond coach in one of the master training groups I'm in:
"I had almost nothing happen for the first 3 months. And went Diamond on day 96 with crazy activity in that last week!"

People hang back and wait to see if YOU will stick with it. No one wants to be first or get involved with someone that flakes out. And if you quit after just a few months, all you do is prove them right in not having joined you.

Set up realistic expectations... 6 months of consistency to start seeing some real returns and credibility with friends and family and a year to become known as "the coach" and see some pretty decent money... and it is EXPONENTIAL after you keep consistent for a year...

Total commitment to the fitness and Beachbody lifestyle and personal development will attract people from far and wide that you could never imagine would find you. That's not to say that nothing will happen for the first 6 months. I will be TRANSPARENT and tell you that I've made nearly $8,000 in my first 8 months. I broke 6 figures by my 18th month. And I had moments where I wanted to give up! But I didn't. And because I didn't, I have people who join and trust me now because I've proved to them that this isn't a fad to me, that it really works and they can count on me to be consistent for them.

Consistency over time creates an upward success curve. It doesn't take HUGE acts or killer breakthroughs. It takes consistent good choices every day over time. They add up. Just like pennies put into a savings account with compound interest. It grows slowly at first, so slow you might not feel like anything is happening, but then you hit a tipping point where things start to shoot upward exponentially!

You may have to sacrifice. You may have to shuffle some stuff around to make it work. But do not give up before a year. If no one is joining you, put MORE efforts into yourself. Be more committed with your workouts, share a photo of you doing them EVERY DAY (I did that in December!) Pour yourself into personal development. Sit and focus on positive thinking, see yourself as what you want to be. Say it out loud, "I will be a successful Beachbody coach!" CONSISTENCY over time is the number 1 factor for success in this.

The elite coaches who you hear about that are pulling in crazy cash flow are there because they have been doing it every day for the last few years. You can do it too! I know you can.  We'll go to the top together!

HOMEWORK: Today’s assignment is to write down what you are willing to commit time wise to making this happen for you. Are you willing to commit to 6 months? A year? 2 years? 5 years?! Write it down and email it to me at marshasmrcka@yahoo.com with "Lesson 12" in the subject line.


What the heck does it mean to "go emerald"? And why do people keep talking about it?

Emerald is the first promotion for Beachbody coaches.
It means that you have 2 coaches signed up under you (they can be people who actively want to coach or just people who want the 25% discount, AKA Preferred Customer) one on your right side and one of your left side. One on each of your "legs".

Beachbody makes it super easy to get people signed up! It’s only $39 to sign up as a coach and $15 a month after that. They can sign up by going to your Beachbody coach site and clicking the button that says “COACH”.

But even better than that, if someone purchases a Challenge Pack, Beachbody will waive the $39 signup fee.

A person can take advantage of this in two ways: 
1. They sign up as a coach from the beginning and then purchase their challenge pack at the same time!
2. They purchase a challenge pack and then later decide to be a coach. This way requires an extra step. At this point they would need to go and sign up as a coach via your beachbody coach website and pay the fee. BUT… after they can submit proof of their challenge pack purchase to customer service and they will get a refund for that $39 fee.

Why does being an Emerald matter?
Because it opens you up to earning income based on team volume! This is huge! 
Watch this video from Lindsay Matway to learn more about it and the benefits of being an emerald coach! She also explains a little bit about what coach placement looks like. 
(That stuff can get confusing so don't get overwhelmed! )

HOMEWORK: After you're done watching Lindsay's video, I want you to write down something you learned that was exciting to you and tell me what your personal deadline is for this promotion. How soon do you want to achieve it? Email me at marshasmrcka@yahoo.com with "Lesson 11" in the subject line.

More great info about signing up coaches under you if you want to dig deeper...
spouse placement:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi_Gs45GPgw
how to set preferred placement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ny6Y2-lU6k
emerald to diamond promotions explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55vBRHZ2QCw
advanced placement explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEs-WU8DTOU
how to stay an "active" coach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRsjEtnz4Tc


Today I want to talk FACEBOOK POSTS and the difference between posts that are annoying and others that actually draw people in. One of the things I am MOST PROUD about in my business is how often I have people (friends and strangers) send me private messages telling me how much they enjoy my posts and how they have other friends who are Beachbody coaches who annoy the heck out of them but they really enjoy mine. That is HUGE my friends! 

Nowadays it seems everyone is selling something. Oils, wraps, mascara, jewelry, fitness. So how do you share without getting lost in the noise? It’s about authenticity!

As I scroll my newsfeed every morning I often cringe at the countless amount of coaches posting ads, rather than posting VALUE, enticing photos, and content that GRABS people's attention!

Here are some common mistakes:
Posting about a sale with corporate/stock photos
Posting photos of your OWN results from the program that happens to be on sale and the feelings behind using these programs and experiencing success from them.

Posting a list of all the stuff that comes with 21 DAY FIX
SHOWING people actual real life examples of what they are going to get to eat using those containers! (and YOU in the pic, showing your uniqueness or making a meal from the containers)

Posting about apprenticeships (sharing all the FACTS about the discount/compensation plan info)
Sharing a story, successes on your team or how your life/point of view has changed.

Some key elements:
-Scroll Stoppers: It's important that your posts have an image that stops someone in their tracks (remember, many people are on their phone scrolling... and they are not going to read a post that is more than a few paragraphs.)
-Be Bossy (in a good way): Always include a CALL TO ACTION. (Give them some way to respond. Ask them to like it, share it, message you, ask a question for them to answer. Make it interactive so people don’t skip right over it.)
-Add Value: Do your BEST to make most posts ADD value! The internet is just so much noise, people wanting your attention. Think about what interests you and what would interest your challengers and then create content that is valuable for them to see. 

*Other coaches you respect
*Your favorite blogs/magazines

HOMEWORK: Today your goal is to post 3 times, different times during the day (morning, noon, evening) on FB on 3 different topics that are important to you (family, food, nutrition, photography, travel, fashion, whatever!) making sure that each has a eye-catching image, adds value, and has a call to action. 1 should be Beachbody related in some way. But only 1, not all of them. Shoot me a Facebook message once you're done so I can see, or better yet, tag me in your post!


Today we are talking about inviting people to your first challenge group. Your first group might be one that you lead on your own, or if your sponsoring coach allows you to be an apprentice in one of their groups (like I do!) you might be bringing people in that way.

Either way… there are a few ways that I’ve found work best and I’m going to share them with you today.

 #1 - Sharing your own progress, then adding an invite to the end. Something like this... 
"I can’t believe how much has changed since just 1 month ago when I made the decision to commit to a healthy change! Down ____lbs (or _____ pant sizes) in just a month! Feeling energized and amazing and so much better in my own skin. But I’m not done yet. I’m committing to another month long challenge this upcoming month and my coach is letting me bring 1-3 people along with me. If you wanna be my accountability partner for a month and get healthy along with me like, comment, or message me and I’ll send you the details! Let’s do this!!! 
 #2 - Inviting to JOIN YOU in the fitness journey. Something like this... 
"AH! I’m soooo EXCITED! I get to be an apprentice coach in my coach, Marsha Smrcka's next month-long fitness Accountability Group (a.k.a. Challenge Group)! The same challenge that has helped me (fill in the blank... )! I was also told that I can select up to 3 people to do the challenge along with me!!! If you think it might be something you are interested in... "LIKE" or comment below and I will shoot you over the deets! HURRY though, I only have a couple days to choose! 

After they have liked/commented on your post... or contacted you for more information, this is personally the "MORE INFO" email/message I send people (remember to change the info to your own!): 
Hey _____, so excited to talk to you about joining me! Here's the official details about the program and the challenges... The program I’m doing is called ________. The workouts are short, less than half an hour each which I love so much and you do them at home. They are short but man do they make you sweat. Which is awesome because you feel like you’re really making a difference and accomplishing something. It’s so much better than wandering around the gym not knowing what moves to do next. Anyway, the workouts are awesome. And there’s a modifier in case any move is too high impact or hard, which is nice. The second half of the program is an easy to follow nutrition plan (mostly just eating clean, not-processed foods) and Shakeology which is 100% all natural dense nutrition. I love it so much! I can’t even tell you! You replace 1 meal a day with it while you're doing the challenge and after that you can continue to do that or use it as a snack or whenever you want it! I like to have mine in the morning as a smoothie. What it's done for my health and metabolism is insane. It replaced coffee in my life which is just... unheard of! It gives me more energy than drinking an entire pot of coffee used to. And it helps fight cravings so it’s easier to stay on track and not cheat with bad for me foods. The Challenge Group is hosted on FB in a private group where a bunch of us all go through the program together and my coach leads us each day with inspirational posts and little accountability assignments. It’s so nice to have the group to connect to and feel like I have someone who I can talk to and who understands. It’s helped me to stay on track when I felt like giving up! The challenge groups are completely free to join, you just have to have the program to join it. The best deal on the program is a thing called a "Challenge Pack" which is the full set of video DVD's + the charts that tell you what workouts to do each day + the nutrition guide + a recipe book + your first month's Shakeology. It's about 25% cheaper to get the challenge pack than to buy the things separately and the challenge pack is are $____. To join our group you just have to order the challenge pack through a registration link that I can send you! If you want more info about anything specific let me know. I’d LOVE to have you there alongside me!!! xo, M

HOMEWORK: Your assignment today is to create your first post inviting your social network to your apprentice challenge group! I want you to set a goal of finding 1-3 challengers. (Remember, if you find 3 people to join you by purchasing Challenge Packs you'll hit Success Club for the month and you'll make more than enough in commissions to cover your own Shakeology order for the month!) You know how to make direct links now so many sure to send them the direct link so that YOU get credited with their challenge pack order. I know it can be scary at first, but remember… SHARE from your HEART. We aren’t salesmen peddling crap around. There’s a reason you are here and it is because you BELIEVE this can help other people and you are just giving them an opportunity to jump in with you! You’d be surprised how many people are just sitting around waiting for someone to guide them! Share from your heart about your own experience and extend a hand of invitation. Don’t get salesy in your post, keep it light and welcoming. And for the love of God share a photo of yourself! No one cares about hearing you TALK about your success, they want to SEE it!

Post your post and photo in our Team Fit4mation group so that I and the other coaches on our team can give you feedback before you make it public on your social networks! Be bold, be brave! I can't wait to see what you come up with!


Sometimes, the biggest objection you have is that of your spouse! It’s actually pretty common. You spouse most likely is reacting out of care for you but sometimes their reactions are a bit harsh and they can be disheartening to you when you are so excited about this new dream and new direction in your life!

This is so common, in fact, that top coach Lindsay Matway’s husband Billy created a special presentation about his initial feelings when she first started to encourage other spouses. (Spoiler alert, he was really judgmental and skeptical about Beachbody at first!)

Light some candles, make a nice dinner, then sit down with your spouse and watch this together.


Objections. We all get them. Even top coaches get them. They are totally natural! And they can paralyze new coaches with fear.

Some common ones are... 
"The challenge pack is too expensive"
"I don't HAVE TIME to be a coach"
"I'm NOT FIT ENOUGH to be a coach"
“I can’t afford Shakeology”

Do YOU know how to deal with objections like these? 

Personally I've found that objections mean one of two things... 
1) The person is just not correctly informed
2) This isn't the right time for that person

If they are not informed, they may not realize that Shakeology replaces 1 meal a day, so it's like they are buying a month's worth of meals in bulk. Or that it is better quality than any other shakes on the market or that it is organic and non-GMO. They may not realize that it breaks down to just $3 or $4 a day which is less than a Starbucks latte and so much better for you! They may not realize that a few months at cross-fit or barre or yoga is more expensive than what they would spend on their challenge group with you for the same amount of time.

If it's not the right time for them, they will not be prioritizing their health/nutrition enough to invest in themselves. That's totally okay too. I've had a lot of people tell me no for months and then finally dive in. You can't want it for them, they have to want it for themselves. Fitness, health, and nutrition is a very personal and sometimes vulnerable journey and if someone isn't really ready inside themselves, nothing you say will convince them. They have to believe they are worth it!

PS... Hearing "no" is one of the number one reasons people give up on being a coach. If you want to be successful at coaching you need to realize that people are not saying no to you, they are saying no to themselves. It is NOT PERSONAL! You have to separate yourselves from the response. Think about when a waiter at a restaurant asks you if you want dessert and you say no. Do you think that waiter goes in the back and cries and says, "I'm not cut out to be a waiter! They hate me!" No. They know that your refusal has nothing to do with them personally. You just don't want dessert. ;) 

Invite and don't worry if they say no. Usually a "No" just means "That's not right for me, right now". If you can keep going, in the face of hearing a no you will be ahead of the curve on a lot of other coaches. If I can get you to remember 1 thing at all it is that you can't give up after a few no's. You'll be cutting yourself short from sooooo much greatness in your life! Just keep working on yourself and your own goals and keep inviting. The right people will come.
HOMEWORK: Listen to the National Call from a while back with Top Coaches Lauren Knight & Bob Lucido to listen to how THEY deal with them objections and OVERCOME them!!! *(Start at 12 minutes into the call recording) I want you to write down some common objections and how you want to respond to them so you're ready when they come up!


Email it to me at marshasmrcka@yahoo.com with "LESSON 8" in the subject line.