Welcome, new coaches, to the TEAMF4M Independent Study New Coach Training! I am so excited that you are here because it means that you've taken the first steps toward living your dream life and living a life by design! I am so passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and that is what this training is about. Watch this welcome video to give you an idea of what this training is for, what you can expect to learn, and what I expect from you!

Monday, September 21, 2015


Today we’re going to dive in deeper to what actions you can take each day to help you be successful as a coach! It can be overwhelming to try to figure out where to start and how to keep Beachbody from taking over all your spare time. So here are what we call the "3 Vital Behaviors". These simple tasks should become second nature to you. They are the simple actions you should be doing daily to grow as a person and as a coach! These actions form the foundation of your activity as a Beachbody coach each day!


1. Personal Development (spend at least 10 minutes working on YOU!)
2. Be Proof The Products Work (we talked about this already, remember?) 
3. INVITE (invite people to your challenge groups or to be coaches)

Easy enough right? "But what does 'INVITE' really mean?" I'm glad you asked....

For some people it might mean spamming everyone you know about joining your groups. But not for our team! For our team it means building relationships!
Beachbody calls it “FORM”-ing 
F- family 

This is just a way of saying, "Don't attack people with an impersonal sales pitch!" Simple enough, right? Basically FORM means to be interested in someone as a human and as a person. This is a KEY element of who we are as a team! We are always striving to be INTERESTED in others instead of thinking only of ourself. "FORM" is a simple way of breaking down how to get to know someone or break the ice with them. This is great for people who you might not have seen for a long time (old school friends) or acquaintances or referrals.

this is what our team is all about!

Here is a form all about using FORM to talk to people about your challenges:

HOMEWORK: If you didn't finish it yesterday, I want you to come up with a list of 10 people who you think might benefit from joining a challenge or becoming a coach and I want you to reach out to them using the FORM method. I know this can be scary but being a coach is all about pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. I'm not telling you to tell them they need to lose weight or beg them to become a Beachbody coach. I want you to be interested in THEM! Re-connect or break the ice with them and open up the windows of communication. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. No one likes feeling sales pitched to. This business is about GENUINELY caring about helping people.

Email it to me at marshasmrcka@yahoo.com with "LESSON 6" in the subject line.

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