Welcome, new coaches, to the TEAMF4M Independent Study New Coach Training! I am so excited that you are here because it means that you've taken the first steps toward living your dream life and living a life by design! I am so passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and that is what this training is about. Watch this welcome video to give you an idea of what this training is for, what you can expect to learn, and what I expect from you!

Monday, September 21, 2015


Objections. We all get them. Even top coaches get them. They are totally natural! And they can paralyze new coaches with fear.

Some common ones are... 
"The challenge pack is too expensive"
"I don't HAVE TIME to be a coach"
"I'm NOT FIT ENOUGH to be a coach"
“I can’t afford Shakeology”

Do YOU know how to deal with objections like these? 

Personally I've found that objections mean one of two things... 
1) The person is just not correctly informed
2) This isn't the right time for that person

If they are not informed, they may not realize that Shakeology replaces 1 meal a day, so it's like they are buying a month's worth of meals in bulk. Or that it is better quality than any other shakes on the market or that it is organic and non-GMO. They may not realize that it breaks down to just $3 or $4 a day which is less than a Starbucks latte and so much better for you! They may not realize that a few months at cross-fit or barre or yoga is more expensive than what they would spend on their challenge group with you for the same amount of time.

If it's not the right time for them, they will not be prioritizing their health/nutrition enough to invest in themselves. That's totally okay too. I've had a lot of people tell me no for months and then finally dive in. You can't want it for them, they have to want it for themselves. Fitness, health, and nutrition is a very personal and sometimes vulnerable journey and if someone isn't really ready inside themselves, nothing you say will convince them. They have to believe they are worth it!

PS... Hearing "no" is one of the number one reasons people give up on being a coach. If you want to be successful at coaching you need to realize that people are not saying no to you, they are saying no to themselves. It is NOT PERSONAL! You have to separate yourselves from the response. Think about when a waiter at a restaurant asks you if you want dessert and you say no. Do you think that waiter goes in the back and cries and says, "I'm not cut out to be a waiter! They hate me!" No. They know that your refusal has nothing to do with them personally. You just don't want dessert. ;) 

Invite and don't worry if they say no. Usually a "No" just means "That's not right for me, right now". If you can keep going, in the face of hearing a no you will be ahead of the curve on a lot of other coaches. If I can get you to remember 1 thing at all it is that you can't give up after a few no's. You'll be cutting yourself short from sooooo much greatness in your life! Just keep working on yourself and your own goals and keep inviting. The right people will come.
HOMEWORK: Listen to the National Call from a while back with Top Coaches Lauren Knight & Bob Lucido to listen to how THEY deal with them objections and OVERCOME them!!! *(Start at 12 minutes into the call recording) I want you to write down some common objections and how you want to respond to them so you're ready when they come up!


Email it to me at marshasmrcka@yahoo.com with "LESSON 8" in the subject line.

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