Welcome, new coaches, to the TEAMF4M Independent Study New Coach Training! I am so excited that you are here because it means that you've taken the first steps toward living your dream life and living a life by design! I am so passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and that is what this training is about. Watch this welcome video to give you an idea of what this training is for, what you can expect to learn, and what I expect from you!

Monday, September 21, 2015


We are going to talk today about CONSISTENCY. This is something that is super PIVOTAL and I'm smacking myself for not talking about it sooner. It is something I learned through personal development. Something that is soooo clutch as a coach.

Personal development means that you spend time each day working on you. There are lots of amazing books out there but I'd like to recommend The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson as a first one! The principles in it are so incredible you are going to feel like you just were let in on the meaning of life. Not only that, the principles you will learn will help you in ALL areas of life, not just coaching. If you can't afford it let me know and I'll try to track down a copy for you. I think it's THAT important that you read it.

Okay... now consistency... 

Let's talk about human nature. We are so numbed by the media that it takes a lot to catch our attention now-a-days. Add "weight loss" to that and we are even more skeptical. Think about all the fads and ads you've heard over time. Think about all the money you've spent and things you've tried that didn't really work. We are all skeptics and we don't just believe people right away anymore. But what makes us come around? Think about it.... consistency.

I know this is true for some of you who were watching me! It took you a while of me posting before you finally took the plunge. It's human nature! So now think about that for yourself and your own networks.

You need to be consistently doing the things each day that improve yourself: workout, shakeO, healthy eating, personal development.

And sharing those things consistently with your friends, family, and via social media OVER TIME will bring people around.

People are watching you, even if you don't know it. Your future top coaches and best challengers are out there watching you to see if this Beachbody thing really works or if it's just a fad. Most diamond coaches and above will tell you that you need to COMMIT to actively doing this for a year to see success. That's the time it takes. 6 months before you feel like you've really got the ball rolling. From the beginning that may seem daunting. But it goes soooo quick! I just looked at the calendar and realized I passed my 2 year coach-iversary and didn't realize it! Ha!

Here's a message from a 2-star diamond coach in one of the master training groups I'm in:
"I had almost nothing happen for the first 3 months. And went Diamond on day 96 with crazy activity in that last week!"

People hang back and wait to see if YOU will stick with it. No one wants to be first or get involved with someone that flakes out. And if you quit after just a few months, all you do is prove them right in not having joined you.

Set up realistic expectations... 6 months of consistency to start seeing some real returns and credibility with friends and family and a year to become known as "the coach" and see some pretty decent money... and it is EXPONENTIAL after you keep consistent for a year...

Total commitment to the fitness and Beachbody lifestyle and personal development will attract people from far and wide that you could never imagine would find you. That's not to say that nothing will happen for the first 6 months. I will be TRANSPARENT and tell you that I've made nearly $8,000 in my first 8 months. I broke 6 figures by my 18th month. And I had moments where I wanted to give up! But I didn't. And because I didn't, I have people who join and trust me now because I've proved to them that this isn't a fad to me, that it really works and they can count on me to be consistent for them.

Consistency over time creates an upward success curve. It doesn't take HUGE acts or killer breakthroughs. It takes consistent good choices every day over time. They add up. Just like pennies put into a savings account with compound interest. It grows slowly at first, so slow you might not feel like anything is happening, but then you hit a tipping point where things start to shoot upward exponentially!

You may have to sacrifice. You may have to shuffle some stuff around to make it work. But do not give up before a year. If no one is joining you, put MORE efforts into yourself. Be more committed with your workouts, share a photo of you doing them EVERY DAY (I did that in December!) Pour yourself into personal development. Sit and focus on positive thinking, see yourself as what you want to be. Say it out loud, "I will be a successful Beachbody coach!" CONSISTENCY over time is the number 1 factor for success in this.

The elite coaches who you hear about that are pulling in crazy cash flow are there because they have been doing it every day for the last few years. You can do it too! I know you can.  We'll go to the top together!

HOMEWORK: Today’s assignment is to write down what you are willing to commit time wise to making this happen for you. Are you willing to commit to 6 months? A year? 2 years? 5 years?! Write it down and email it to me at marshasmrcka@yahoo.com with "Lesson 12" in the subject line.

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