Welcome, new coaches, to the TEAMF4M Independent Study New Coach Training! I am so excited that you are here because it means that you've taken the first steps toward living your dream life and living a life by design! I am so passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and that is what this training is about. Watch this welcome video to give you an idea of what this training is for, what you can expect to learn, and what I expect from you!

Monday, September 21, 2015


As a coach, it is completely normal to have moments of freak-out where you sit back and think,
“What did I get myself into?!” 

HAHA! It happens to the best of us! Especially in the beginning when you are still in the learning curve of becoming a coach.  Another time that it's common to feel lost is around your 3-4th month when the romance of being a new coach starts to wear off and the reality that building a business requires work starts to set in. ;)

But something that can help you to stay focused on the positive when you have a bad day or help you stay focused on your goals is having a rock solid WHY.

What does that mean? It means that your motivations for doing this are so strong that nothing can knock you off course. Coaches with rock solid WHY’s are often the ones you see as the most successful. Because their WHY is so strong that they refuse to give up!

Now before you tell me, "My why is because I want to help other people." or "I just care about others and want to help them succeed." I want to remind you, helping others is what we DO as coaches. It is not your WHY. We are blessed to have helping other people be the goal of our day-to-day. It's awesome and super personally rewarding to get to earn income simply by helping other people reach their goals! But helping others isn't a shatterproof why. Dig deeper!

Here's another example...
Let's say I put a metal beam across the floor. It's about 6 inches wide and 20 feet long.

Now I tell you that I will give you $20 to walk from one side of the beam to the other.

Would you do it?

Yeah, of course. $20 is worth it to walk on a beam on the ground. That's easy. It's a good reward.
Now what if I put that beam up 100 feet in the air connecting two buildings.
No harnesses. Now I ask you to walk across it for $20. You'd probably pause.
$20 isn't worth risking your safety. That WHY is no longer strong enough to motivate you.
Now what if I told you that your child was across the beam in the other building and that other building was on fire? You'd RUN across that beam and I wouldn't have even had to offer you the money. Because a SHATTERPROOF WHY just came into effect in your life.
Any risk is worth saving your child. It wouldn't matter how high that beam was.

This is a dramatic example but it proves my point.

The $20 I offer you is like me saying that you get to help people. It's satisfying. It's exciting.

But it's really only worth it when you don't have to do much effort or risk much.
When things get tough or you deal with some rejection or a hard month or two is "helping others"
going to be a strong enough why to get you across that beam up in the air? Probably not.
So dig deeper, figure out what the why is that would make you keep going across that beam 100 feet up in the air.

Here are some examples of really solid WHY's from coaches I know:

"So that my family never had to worry about losing our home again!"

"So that I can be financially independent from my parents."
"To be 100% out of consumer debt for the first time in my life!"
"To be able to buy a home and pay it all off so we own it completely!"
"To be able to quit my job so I can stay at home with my kids."

"To be able to make enough that my husband can retire and stay home with us."

HOMEWORK: Watch this video from the founder of the Bombshell Dynasty and Top Coach 2014, Lindsay Matway about figuring out your "WHY". Then I want you to take the rest of the day to really think about it and discover your personal why.  After you've figured it out, I want you to email it to me. This is a judgement free space. Talking about money, debt, weight loss, freedom, relationship struggles, whatever… it’s all okay. Our WHY’s are all valid! Send your email to me at marshasmrcka@yahoo.com with "LESSON 1" in the subject header.

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