Welcome, new coaches, to the TEAMF4M Independent Study New Coach Training! I am so excited that you are here because it means that you've taken the first steps toward living your dream life and living a life by design! I am so passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and that is what this training is about. Watch this welcome video to give you an idea of what this training is for, what you can expect to learn, and what I expect from you!

Monday, September 21, 2015




Beachbody gives us coaches all the tools we need to be successful. We don't have to worry about building special websites or housing any product, they handle all of that for us. (That's part of what our $15 business fee for being a coach covers!) Today we are going to be talking about setting up your coaching websites and learning how to use those links and direct links to help your customers find the products they are looking for easily so that you get credit for their orders! This is one of our first lessons because you need to know how to do this to start earning income!

Beachbody gives you multiple (customizable) websites you can use in your business. The two that you will most likely use the most often are your Beachbody Coach site and your Shakeology site. These are sites you can send people to when they want to order a product or sign up as a coach under you. 

You should already have your Beachbody Coach website and Shakeology website set up (there were instructions on how to do this in the welcome email I sent you when you first signed up!) and have found your coach ID. You will need your coach ID to create direct links.


You can always just send someone to your Beachbody Coach page. BUT for me, I like to make things EXTRA EASY and fool-proof for my customers, so when I know they want to purchase something specific, like a 21 Day Fix Challenge pack, rather than sending them to my main coaching page and having them have to search around for the program, I send them a direct link to the challenge pack with my coach ID attached to it (so that I make sure to receive the credit)

Basically direct links are like affiliate links directly to the individual items so people just click once and they are there. No chance of losing them or of them ordering the wrong thing on accident!

Here is what a direct link to the 21 Day Fix challenge pack looks like:

All you would need to do to make this link work for YOU is take out the words "YourCoachID" and put in your # (mine is 558677) so I would put:  

Here is a {STEP BY STEP} explanation on how to get your customers DIRECT links to what they need to make the ordering process SUPER SIMPLE for them!

#1 - You will need to have your COACH ID # {Try to memorize this number, as you will be using it often!}

You can find it in your COACH ONLINE OFFICE right below your name.

To get to your COACH ONLINE OFFICE, go to www.teambeachbody.com, log in >> COACH >> COACH ONLINE OFFICE

Enter your coach ID # & click GET YOUR SCREEN NAME --- Then just click on the bottom two boxes without changing the text. (Doing this will change ALL links below to link to YOU!)

#3 - Scroll down and find the category for the link you need: New Accounts, Videos, Programs, Nutrition, Challenge Packs, The Ultimate Reset, etc... and then you should see the exact link you need... Copy the long link and paste it to your customer! {btw, just FYI, if you are logged into your coach account and try to test these links, they will not work correctly for you... you need to log out in order to test them! Always make sure YOUR coach # is at the end of every link}


I would suggest you start a document where you keep the links you will use all of the time!
The ones I would save are the following (along with anything else you seem to sell or use often!):

HOMEWORK: I suggest you copy these links above into a new document of your own and insert YOUR COACH ID so that you have all your direct links ready to go, along with some of the more popular ones that you use often (21 Day Fix Challenge Pack, for example). Keep them in a special document that you can access easily and quickly. (I like to use Evernote or Google Docs for this sort of thing so I can access it from any location!) When you’re done I want you to email me the following direct links of yours:
1. the direct link I'd need to make you my free coach
2. the direct link I'd need to order the PIYO challenge pack

Email it to me at marshasmrcka@yahoo.com with "LESSON 2" in the subject line.

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