Welcome, new coaches, to the TEAMF4M Independent Study New Coach Training! I am so excited that you are here because it means that you've taken the first steps toward living your dream life and living a life by design! I am so passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and that is what this training is about. Watch this welcome video to give you an idea of what this training is for, what you can expect to learn, and what I expect from you!

Monday, September 21, 2015


Today I want to talk FACEBOOK POSTS and the difference between posts that are annoying and others that actually draw people in. One of the things I am MOST PROUD about in my business is how often I have people (friends and strangers) send me private messages telling me how much they enjoy my posts and how they have other friends who are Beachbody coaches who annoy the heck out of them but they really enjoy mine. That is HUGE my friends! 

Nowadays it seems everyone is selling something. Oils, wraps, mascara, jewelry, fitness. So how do you share without getting lost in the noise? It’s about authenticity!

As I scroll my newsfeed every morning I often cringe at the countless amount of coaches posting ads, rather than posting VALUE, enticing photos, and content that GRABS people's attention!

Here are some common mistakes:
Posting about a sale with corporate/stock photos
Posting photos of your OWN results from the program that happens to be on sale and the feelings behind using these programs and experiencing success from them.

Posting a list of all the stuff that comes with 21 DAY FIX
SHOWING people actual real life examples of what they are going to get to eat using those containers! (and YOU in the pic, showing your uniqueness or making a meal from the containers)

Posting about apprenticeships (sharing all the FACTS about the discount/compensation plan info)
Sharing a story, successes on your team or how your life/point of view has changed.

Some key elements:
-Scroll Stoppers: It's important that your posts have an image that stops someone in their tracks (remember, many people are on their phone scrolling... and they are not going to read a post that is more than a few paragraphs.)
-Be Bossy (in a good way): Always include a CALL TO ACTION. (Give them some way to respond. Ask them to like it, share it, message you, ask a question for them to answer. Make it interactive so people don’t skip right over it.)
-Add Value: Do your BEST to make most posts ADD value! The internet is just so much noise, people wanting your attention. Think about what interests you and what would interest your challengers and then create content that is valuable for them to see. 

*Other coaches you respect
*Your favorite blogs/magazines

HOMEWORK: Today your goal is to post 3 times, different times during the day (morning, noon, evening) on FB on 3 different topics that are important to you (family, food, nutrition, photography, travel, fashion, whatever!) making sure that each has a eye-catching image, adds value, and has a call to action. 1 should be Beachbody related in some way. But only 1, not all of them. Shoot me a Facebook message once you're done so I can see, or better yet, tag me in your post!

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